
Fifth Grade Parent Newsletter


This week we are reading “Ghost Towns of the American West” by Raymond Bial.  We will focus on some vocabulary words in this story.  It would be helpful if you will reinforce the meaning of these words at home with your child.  Also, on this newsletter you will find our spelling words for the week.  Please practice these words at home as well.  The words in italics are our challenge spelling words.  Let’s have a great week!

 Spelling Words: politics, political, major, majority, equal, equation, sign, signature, arrive, arrival, inspire, inspiration, human, humanity, clean, cleanse, resign, resignation, unite, unity, magic, magician, remedy, remedial, individual, individuality 

Vocabulary Word



of or about the management of the income, supplies, and expenses of a household, government, etc.


freedom from the control, influence, support, or help of others


to spread over


written or drawn poorly or carelessly


not occupied